New paper

M. Baldovin, G. Vallet, G. Hagel, E. Trizac, C. Champenois
Self-diffusion in a strongly coupled non-neutral plasma
Phys. Rev. A 109, 043116 (2024)

We propose a joint experimental and theoretical approach to measure the self-diffusion in a laser-cooled trapped ion cloud where part of the ions are shelved in a long-lived dark state. The role of the self-diffusion coefficient in the spatial organisation of the ions is deciphered, following from the good agreement between the experimental observations and the theoretical predictions. This comparison furthermore allows to deduce the temperature of the sample. Protocols to measure the self-diffusion coefficient are discussed, in regard with the control that can be reached on the relevant time scales through the dressing of the atomic levels by laser fields.

New paper

M. Baldovin, R. Marino, A. Vulpiani.
Ergodic observables in non-ergodic systems: the example of the harmonic chain
Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications 630, 129273 (2023)

In the framework of statistical mechanics the properties of macroscopic systems are deduced starting from the laws of their microscopic dynamics. One of the key assumptions in this procedure is the ergodic property, namely the equivalence between time averages and ensemble averages. This property can be proved only for a limited number of systems; however, as proved by Khinchin, weak forms of it hold even in systems that are not ergodic at the microscopic scale, provided that extensive observables are considered. Here we show in a pedagogical way the validity of the ergodic hypothesis, at a practical level, in the paradigmatic case of a chain of harmonic oscillators. By using analytical results and numerical computations, we provide evidence that this non-chaotic integrable system shows ergodic behaviorin the limit of many degrees of freedom. In particular, the Maxwell-Boltzmann distribution turns out to fairly describe the statistics of the single particle velocity. A study of the typical time-scales for relaxation is also provided.


New paper in PRL:

Marco Baldovin, David Guéry-Odelin, and Emmanuel Trizac
“Control of Active Brownian Particles: An Exact Solution”
Phys. Rev. Lett. 131, 118302 (2023)

Control of stochastic systems is a challenging open problem in statistical physics, with a wealth of potential applications from biology to granulates. Unlike most cases investigated so far, we aim here at controlling a genuinely out-of-equilibrium system, the two dimensional active Brownian particles model in a harmonic potential, a paradigm for the study of self-propelled bacteria. We search for protocols for the driving parameters (stiffness of the potential and activity of the particles) bringing the system from an initial passivelike steady state to a final activelike one, within a chosen time interval. The exact analytical results found for this prototypical model of self-propelled particles brings control techniques to a wider class of out-of-equilibrium systems.

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